Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Call a function in child component from parent component in React

Consider the following parent component

class Parent extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {


        this.state = { data: "" };


handleClick() {

        this.setState({ data: "I am Clicked" });



render() {

        return (


<button onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)} > Click Me</button>

<ChildComponent ref="child" />




Consider the child component
class ChildComponent extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {


        this.state = { childData: "Child function is called" };


handleChild() {



render() {

        return (

<div>            </div>



As shown above we can make use of "ref" on child component and using this.refs we can call any function in the child component

Monday, February 19, 2018

Remove duplicates from an array in Javascript

Consider an array=[1,2,3,3,2,4,1,1]

We need to write a function to remove duplicates from an array.

let unique=[];

for(let i=0;i<arr.length;i++){

if(unique.indexOf(arr[i])== -1)
return unique;

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Git and Basic Commands

What is Git??
  • Git is a version control system for tracking changes in computer files.
  • It is developed in 2005 .
  • It is distributed version control system. There are other centralised version control systems like SVN.
  • It coordinates work between multiple developers.
  • We can identify who made what changes and when they are made.
  • We can alse revert back changes any time.
  • We will have local and remote repositories.

How it works??
  • Git will keep track of code history.
  • It takes snapshots of our files, snapshots are taken when we commit changes.
  • Before committing we need to stage the changes.
  • The process goes as follows.   
     Create a local repository. Initialize it as a git repository. Add files and make changes.Stage the files. Commit the changes. Push the changes.

Basic Commands

git init //Inialize local git repository

git add <file> //Add single file to index

git add -A      // Add all files to index

git commit -m "Your message" // commit the changes in index

git push    //push changes to remote repository

git pull  //pull latest from repository

git clone //clone repository into a new directory

Getting started with Git

Today we will go through setting up git and creating our first repository.

Follow the steps below:
  1. Download Git on your system from here Download Git based your operating system and install it following the set up instructions.
  2. After installing you can use the command git --version and check the version you are using.
  3. Create a folder and after creating it right click on the folder and you will see an option git bash here. Click on it and you will see a git command line opened.
  4. It will open a command prompt with the folder location created in step 3 as shown below
  5. Now we will initialize this as a local git repository using the command git init.
  6. Now we can add files in this folder. Once the changes are made we will first stage these changes by using command

    git add <Filename>.
  7. We can use this command number of times and add files or we can use command

    git add -A

    to add all files in the folder.
  8. After all the files are added we need to commit the changes. This is done by using command

    git commit -m "Your message here".
  9. Before committing it will ask to set username and email to identify the users who are committing to this repository. These values can be set by using commands

    git config --global user.name "Your Name"

    git config --global user.email "Your Email"

    If you want to make use of the details for only this repository you can omit global and run the commands.
  10. Once commit is made all the files and changes you made are committed and are tracked now.We need to push this changes to remote repository.
  11. Now go to Github  and login to your account.
  12. After signing in create a repository.
  13. After creating repository you will be directed to a page as below. Since we already have a local repository we will use second section commands.
    git remote add origin https://github.com/narendravenkata/Test-Demo.git
  14. Now we have provided the remote local where to push our local repository . Now before pushing the changes we need to set the upstream branch .This is done as follows.
    git push -u origin master
  15. When pushing it will prompt for username and password , please enter your github login credentials.
  16. This will push the changes and you can refresh the browser and will see the files and changes you made.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

cookie vs token

We all have doubts about what to use when implementing authentication at client side,whether I save the token I get from the server as cookie or should i use the local storage of browser. Here I will point out some of the differences between cookie and token. You can decide what fits more into your application.

Automatically included in all requests
We must manually include in the requests
Cookie is unique to each domain. We have different cookies for amazon, eBay, google etc.
We can send token to any domain
Cookies bring state to stateless http protocol

Call a function in child component from parent component in React

Consider the following parent component class Parent extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props);         thi...